1. Toolbar - Quick access to common function in the software. All of these functions can also be accessed from the main menu bar.
  2. Tools Panel - Various tools to choose from to create and edit your design.
  3. Tool Settings - Options for the current tool selected. Some tools do not have any additional options.
  4. Project Bar - Tab view of all the current projects open in the software. You can click on any tab to switch to a particular project, click the X icon to close a project, or click the last tab to create a New Project.
  5. Cutting Mat - Represents the document work area to layout your design for cutting.
  6. Page Bar - Tab view of all the pages in the current project. You can click on any tab to switch to a particular page, click the X con to close a page, or click the last tab to add a New Page to the project.
  7. Status Bar - Displays some current status information, such as current Zoom level and cursor position.
  8. Properties Panel - Displays settings for the current tab chosen in the Properties Bar.
  9. Properties Bar - Tab view of the various Properties settings.

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