The Draw shape tool allows you to draw various shapes, including Rectange, Rounded Rectangle, Circle, Triangle, Polygon, Star, Arrow and Sprial

To use the Draw shape tool, first select the Draw shape tool from the Tools panel. If you click and hold over the tool button, you can select from other various shapes.


If you hold down the Shift key while dragging, it will force the shape to be a square.

Rounded Rectangle

If you hold down the Shift key while dragging, it will force the shape to be a square. You can specify the Corner Radius to how much the corners will be rounded off.

If you hold down the Shift key while dragging, it will force the shape to be a circle, otherwise you can create an ellipse/oval shape.



You can choose how many Polygon corners to add.

You can choose how many Star points to add and the size of the inner radius.


You can adjust the size of the Head and Tail of the arrow.


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