Union: Combine two or more overlapping shapes into a single larger shape.
Intersection: Keep only the ares that are overlapping.
Exclude: Remove any areas that are overlapping.
Front Minus Back: Remove any overlapping areas from the shape on top or in front.
Back Minus Front: Removing any overlapping areas from the shape on the bottom or behind.
Simplify: Reduce the number of nodes/point in a shape while trying to maintain the original shape without distortion.
Close Path: If the outline is an open path (Start and End points do not meet), it will automatically close it.
Join Paths: Join separate open paths where start and/or end points are close to make a single path.
Split Path: Select two nodes on an outline to split the outline into two separate paths.
Divide: Split up all shapes along all intersections.
Divide Below: Split up all shapes below the top shape where the top shape intersects.
Object to Path: Takes the current selection and commits any effects (Rhinestone, Lattice, Shadow, etc.). For text, it will convert to paths where it will no longer be editable as text.
Offset Path: Offset the path to make look thicker or thinner.
Reverse Path: Reverses the node/point order so that the first/starting point becomes the end point and the end points becomes the starting point.
Round Corners: Convert sharp corners to be rounded.
Stroke to Path: Converts the stroke to a filled shape.
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